Sheep Genetics has been moving towards all data being submitted through suitable software packages for a number of years. The per animal charges are costed around data being submitted in the correct electronic format. Incorrect formats take up the database manager’s time and increases the risk of the wrong information being added to the database. Excel spreadsheets in particular can cause a range of problems with 16 digit ID errors. This threatens the accuracy of your ASBVs.

For these reasons, and with strong recommendations from the Sheep Genetics Advisory Committee, data submitted on Excel spreadsheets will no longer be accepted. Data must be from the approved software recording programs. There are several freeware programs and a number of commercially available programs that can be utilised.
Please see the Sheep Genetics web site for more details. There are also contact details for data managers who can help with data submission. If you are unable to comply, please contact the Sheep Genetics staff to discuss what assistance you may need.