A new service is being offered by “Livestock Logic”, a veterinary and consultancy practice in Hamilton Vic. “Sheep Logic” wants to work with producers to profitably improve kilograms of lamb weaned on farm by targeting conception rates, lamb survival and lamb growth rates. Measurement is not restricted to this with a strong focus on wool production and ewe mortality rates. This is a computer based program where producers enter information and receive reports on their own performance as well as benchmark comparisons with other database users. Membership is currently free for the first three months for the “early adopters”.

Why Sheep Logic?
Sheep Logic is an online sheep production benchmarking tool aimed at all sheep producers across Australia. The aim is to enable between year and between farm comparisons so that farmers can identify areas they are strong in and areas they can improve on farm productivity. We hope that by giving producers the ability to see where they stand with others they will be able to identify where they need to improve, seek help in these areas and essentially remove a level of wastage from their farm.
The online program is accessible with any internet device and gives live updates with comparison to others with a similar genotype and lambing time. This means that you can be scanning your ewes in the morning, enter your results on your mobile as the scanner tells you the breakdown of empties, singles and multiples and at dinner you can see how you compare to other breeders.
The concept has come about to give producers the ability to measure the performance of their sheep flock and give them the ability to identify for themselves areas to improve farm production.
The creators of Sheep Logic wants to put information in the hands of their clients – Historically many producers get told areas that they can improve from stocking rate to pasture improvement to lamb survival. This tool has the primary aim to allow producers to see for themselves where improvement can be made to lift farm production.
We hope that through continual measurement over years and through comparison with other producers with a similar genetic base we can fill in the gaps of wastage within sheep businesses.
Our goal is to get 2 million breeding ewes on our database and in the first month opening this service we have reached 20% of this target with clients representing 400,000 ewes registering on the database.
The website and database will be fluid initially as we continue to seek input and advice from producers and fellow consultants regarding what information is vital to generate reports that will lead to producers being able to see how their performance compares with others, identify the areas that they excel in, the areas that some improvement can be made and the areas where considerable practice change is likely to reap great rewards.
We want this system to engage with as much of the Australian sheep industry as possible. Any producer can register to this service and they are able to nominate their consultant (whoever that might be, so they as a team can benefit from the program). External consultants after contact with Sheep Logic will be able to logon to the database and access the database of clients that have nominated them at no cost.
As you are no doubt aware the Australian ewe flock is falling and our ability to remain as a huge producer of mutton, lamb and wool relies upon a highly reproductive flock. Sheep Logic wants to work with producers to profitably improve kilograms of lamb weaned on farm by targeting conception rates, lamb survival and lamb growth rates. Measurement is not restricted to this with a strong focus on wool production and ewe mortality rates.
Collaboration will be theme of this program with the goal of a large database which will then enable workshops for producers for areas that will become their special interest (eg conception rates, lamb survival, ewe mortality in twin bearing ewes etc….) We would hope that reviews of data with consultants from across Australia will create research into key areas, better advice for farmers and essentially a more profitable agricultural sector.
Have a look at www.sheeplogic.com.au utilise the 3 month free trial and let us know what you think.
Andrew Whale BVBio/BVSc
Veterinary Consultant/Senior Partner
Livestock Logic
Go to http://www.sheeplogic.com.au/